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Changing the  Climate
Deep Dive and Facilitator Training

Next Course Dates:  Begins October  ~Online~
Suggested Donation: $300-$1800, sliding scale.

Course Outline

Week 1: Culture and Collapse ~ Examine your cultures and beliefs. Connect with others. Discuss civilization collapses and discover applicable patterns.

Be prepared to teach researched chapter and make connections to today. 


Week 2: Science, Urgency, and Experts ~ Identify pertinent science, use critical thinking, and apply research and temporal context. Help classmates remember climate science content and vocabulary with TPR (total physical recall). Broach the subject of urgency and the experts who are candid of the need to act quickly and fiercely. Investigate.


Week 3: Human Needs, Grief, and Sustainability Pillars  ~ Identify wisdom of each stage of grief and healthy release. Understand human need through the lens of two that are necessary to experience belonging and empower action. 


Week 4: Pillars of Sustainability and Mapping ~ Explore a variety of techniques and technologies that can be used to replace fossil fuels and to reverse the impacts causing global warming.

Where are other people coming from? Chose and examine an area to begin a strategizing integrated community solutions and the facilitation of applicable discussions.


Week 5: Communication and Value ~

How can we understand people with alternative views better? Change arguments into asking questions. Practice sticking to facts and assessing personal triggers to communicate most effectively. Browsing for Bridges communication homework.


Week 6: Facilitation and Wrap-Up ~ Facilitate to a chosen group consisting of friends, family, and perhaps invited officials, with my assistance ~ or ~ assist me in the facilitation of a preplanned workshop. Accountability and Community: Who else can you reach out to for networking, inspiration, and momentum? Who is your support system?




The above is an approximate overview of the course and is subject to change. There will be assignments; participants complete all in-class work (2.5 hours/week) and assigned homework (3-5 hours per week) to be ready to engage in class and be prepared for new content. While this is not currently an accredited course, it is intensive, and participants should be prepared for a deep dive with like-minded facilitators and implement learning. 

by helping to create the world that will be


  • Learn in-depth and applicable social and environmental science

  • Investigate and self-reflection for integrated change

  • Map your own neighborhood with strategized solutions

  • Have a meaningful impact in your life and your community

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